One Culture Awards


Our culture is the heart of our company and is woven into the fabric of who we are. It makes Van Buren County Hospital a special place to work, and it gives us a unique advantage. Building and sustaining our culture requires intentional effort from everyone at VBCH.

2024 Winners

Be One: Dillon Linn

Seaira Drish: Be One One Culture Award recipient

“Dillon is consistently showing the Be One mentality. Always has patients first on his mind as he is working. If you need help with something, no matter what he is going to make time to get it complete. Dillon is always saying good morning and hello in the hallways to patients, visitors, and staff. I consistently hear staff in all the huddles mention him and his hard work and can-do attitude.”

Personalized Care: Heather Davis

Debbie Martin: Personalized Care One Culture Award recipient.

“Heather once scoured the entire clinic looking for crayons for a child that was taken to the emergency room and was scared. She was not able to locate something for this child to have to help calm her. At the end of her shift, Heather clocked out, went home and then came back with crayons, a coloring book and a small stuffed toy for the child hoping that this would relieve some of the child’s fear and anxiety.”

Own It: Tonya Anders

Lynndsey Moore: Own It One Culture Award recipient

“I can recall several patients that needed further assistance to have care closer to home such as labs, office visits and physical therapy. Tonya owned it to reach out for these additional services. With her help, these patients were able to get the care they needed close to home whereas they may not have gotten it otherwise.”

Improve Daily: Sarah Stice

Sarah Stice: Improve Daily One Culture Award recipient.

In my opinion, Sarah would fit the mold for most of our cultural values. She is willing to lend a hand no matter the situation. “It has always been this way” is a phrase that she doesn’t acknowledge and she is constantly proposing ideas and solutions of new ways that things can be done or handled."

Innovate: Heidi Bainbridge

Heidi Bainbridge: Innovate One Culture Award recipient

“Heidi's can-do attitude has brought our organization to a new level. Never afraid to try something new or explore if there is a better way to do something. Heidi always seeks feedback on the work she has created to ensure staff have a say on it. Open to constructive feedback she has been able to innovate a new way we share about our organization. I get excited to see what she comes up with.”



2023 Award Winners & Nominees

Our Beliefs

Be One
Benefit and strengthen VBCH

Personalized Care
Your experience is our responsibility.

Own It
We own our actions to deliver our key results.

Improve Daily
We make improvements every day for those we serve, including each other.

We imagine and embrace bold new ideas to revolutionize health.

Culture Key Concepts

This content was printed from the Van Buren County Hospital website at on March 25, 2025.

Our Mission

Dedicated to enhancing health and well-being through compassionate and personalized healthcare and services.


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